Wednesday, January 09, 2008

2008: Another year, Another challenge

......We are now in the year 2008 and sorry for posting so late.(laughs) Another year has come and nobody knows about the surprises that it will bring for us. All I know is that I shouldn't worry because God has always have a good plan for my every day experiences. He always does a lot of twists in his SCRIPT but then its up to me on how will I DELIVER my moves in every situations that he will give me as his main ACTOR. I should decide when to use ADDLIBS as an emergency act when things were starting to mess around. My PAST is my EVALUATION. It should be my BASIS on knowing things that need CHANGE, IMPROVEMENT and RETAINMENT. I hope you, guys, learn the essence of what I'm sharing to you.c",)
.....Let's all start the year right and remember that we shouldn't DROP the CHARACTER that we are PORTRAYING everytime we're still on the world's CENTER STAGE, where our AUDIENCE and EXPECTATORS are watching and analysing our actions.
Thank you for reading!...

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  1. Anonymous9:17 PM

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