Monday, July 24, 2006


"Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3
box contains the digits 1 through 9."
SODUKO is a puzzle that doesn't require mathematical equations. All it needs is the player's logic. This is the puzzle that hooked me. It is very challenging especially when the problem is dificult.
You too can play this game. Just look for a news paper that has a soduko page or just find it through web. You can even use the google search that i've provided for my visitors.

Sunday, July 02, 2006


Last june, 29 we had our courtesy call from the president of our school, Dr. Elizabeth Lahoz, where she discussed about her concern and her need for us in implementing some of the school's project. I am very happy because we are one of those students who were treated as a V.I.P. and one of the few who entered their private office. I felt so great beacause not everyone including teachers can have that kind of previlage.

It is really nice to be a student leader. I guess those rumors are just part of a wrong perception with regards to the term "student leades".



Last june 27-29 we held our membership activity at the big court. we all have a great preparation despite of our academic pressure. We, the S.S.G. officers are going home late at night. I, for instance, have always went home at about 11:00 and onwards. Good thing that GOD is always guiding my way.

Im Im very happy and i enjoy serving my fellow students. I almost sacrifice the most of my time just to make sure that our job is successfull

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