Saturday, November 11, 2017

Haiku: My Journey Continues

     For those, who haven't followed me yet on Instagram and Twitter but read about my previous article regarding my haiku-writing journey, this is for you:

Fireflies dominate
This ground covered by the night.
Oh, so mystical!

See them leave this land
And Search for a paradise
That they can call "home".

Just stay where you are,
He's about to give up life.
Get ready for lunch.
Time to share life with
And be your host. Come on now,
Live with him. Be one.
Find your spot, my dear.
Hundred years of living ends.
Time to pass that torch.

So preserving, 
The snail goes on with his steps.
In time, you'll go far.

Take me by your side;
Show me how this planet works;
Let me defend it.

     Want to read more of my upcoming works (haiku)? Don't forget to follow me on Instagram and on Twitter. Just key in @artistmat. I upload my works there every time this wandering blogger creates one. Thank you!

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