Let me ask you a question. If given a chance to see your future... your [entire] future, would you want to see it? You may answer me with a quick “yes” for the very reason that you want to be prepared facing your day-to-days. You may also answer me with a quick “no” simply because you don’t want to be consumed with worries and fears for you’ll know where and when you’ll expire.
Both answers can be true for all of us. We may want to see the future for the benefit of today where redirections and repairs can still be made in order to alter the future. Or we may not want to see our future at all because reality can be frightening and may affect our current self in dealing with hopes and aspirations. It’s normal to be in doubt when confronted with this type of question.
But why am I asking this question? I assume you are aware of this popular quote that says:
“Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery.
Today is a gift. That’s why it’s
called the present.”
,which suggests that we just have to enjoy today; instead of clinging on our past, move forward; and instead of worrying about our future, just be productive.
The reason for me asking this question has something to do with assurance and security [financially]. Yes, we must enjoy today to the fullest but I would also want you to realize that time is moving forward at a fast pace. Before we even notice it, our future has arrived and there’s no turning back. Time becomes our enemy.
But instead of treating time as an enemy - whom we should be afraid of, let’s treat time as a friend - whom we can rely on. Instead of running against time, run with time. That’s how it should be. Time is an infinite progression. All things progress with time. We progress with time - from a cell into becoming dusts. Investments also progress with time - it grows with interests and eventually matures.
There’s nothing wrong with having fun. What’s wrong is if you’re just having fun at the moment without having the luxury of being responsible for your future self and future family. Make this day an opportunity to become the hero that your future self deserves. It’s time to invest.
This is Matt, and this post serves as my introduction to future financial-related posts. Let’s help each other. Let’s educate ourselves and become the future we can be proud of.