Saturday, September 26, 2009

Blog Action Day: A Call For Action

.....I'm currently staying here in the construction site that we're managing. I'm actually stranded and couldn't afford to go home because of the typhoon. We have witnessed G.I. sheets that were flown by strong winds, overflowing floods on major roads that surround the vicinity and of course... traffic. Me and the others will stay here for a night due to the impracticality of going home.

.....What's in my head right now is climate change and its effects. The whole city is suffering from flood and people are sick (that includes me) due to changing weather condition. I'm not that expert when it comes to climate change but what I do know is that I'm going to be part of the hundreds and thousands of bloggers that would write about climate change on our respective blogs on the same day.

.....On October 15, 2009, bloggers around the world will be writing about climate change (the chosen topic for this year). This blog has been participating Blog Action Day ever since it was created. My dedication for this kind of event is so deep because my primary aim is not just to become an active blogger but also to be known as a "Blogger of Change"!

Join the Blog Action Day and make a difference!

Friday, September 25, 2009

A Message of Hope and Inspiration

.....Good day everyone! It's nice to finally be back again here in my first and original blog. If you're wondering why I'm not around for a long long time... well, the answer is pretty much the same: Busy on my work and on my second blog, "Druoun X Images". Since I did mentioned my second blog, let me have this opportunity to talk about it and its current status.
.....Druoun X Images is doing well in terms of traffic and everything. It was nominated on both Philippine Blog Awards and Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards. The list of finalists were already posted and Druoun X Images isn't part of those finalists. It's not bad news if DXI didn't made it because I'm always positive on thinking that there is always a reason behind every happenings (good or bad). I'm in a way grateful that although my second blog is just months-old, the opportunity and potentiality of it can now be seen and felt.
.....As for now, I'll just continue to do my craft because my primary target is to inspire people and to create an impact on their lives through Druoun X Images.
.....You may visit and feel free to participate on my free services. Just read the guidelines on how to submit your photos.
.....Be part of DXI's advocacy!
Thanks for reading and have a good day!

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